
People, community, empathy, inclusion, meaningful connection – with intention, in action.

These are key values we work to show up with each and every day.

  • U’Buntu – Inter-connectedness leads

    We know that one action in one place on earth impacts all places on earth. When one individual suffers, we all suffer. When one nonprofit advances its mission, all of us benefit.

  • Meaningful change; be the change – together

    We show up to bring about approachable, actionable change that starts with individual engagement and adds to the collective impact.

  • Justice, Equity, Diversity, Inclusion, Belonging

    There is no true climate action or environmental stewardship without acknowledging the harms that have occurred and exacted on underserved and marginalized communities. Those causing the least harms to the planet are feeling the impacts of the climate emergency the most. We all must be mindful of this in every decision we make.

  • Kindness and compassion

    “Noble deeds” or “courtesy” are the root to the word kindness. Earth Gives seeks to create a tribe of volunteers, leaders, partners and staff who come at this change-making effort with kindness and compassion. Building ecosystems of kindness lead to climate solutions.

  • Vulnerability and humanity are necessary

    We don’t have all the answers. We are explorers and adventurers. We’re figuring out our way on this journey, raw with our vulnerabilities to mother nature, and one another. We’re clear with our intent, kind with our fragility and learning, and center ourselves as people on the important adventure to be better humans.

  • Set good examples, innovate, be continuously curious

    How we model our organization and the words we use matter. We’re scrappy, nimble, curious, try things on, listen, think differently, and inspire that in others. It’s why we invite co-creation of this important community.

  • Science matters, make it approachable

    Facts rule the day. Science is sexy. And we bring experts to the forefront, with creative storytelling to capture the imagination and action of all. The ECHOs of the words we use and the stories we tell are powerful and important. They are centered in our work; not an add on.

  • Everyone has a seat at the change-making table

    This cannot be a “nonprofit thing.” The entire initiative must include an integrated effort with business, philanthropy, nonprofits, individuals, and government.

  • We seek transformation – we measure beyond dollars and donors. What are we and YOU making possible? What future might you play a role in shaping?

    Model impact through our connections, collaborations, behavior change commitments, messages that inspire, knowledge shared

“It’s time to change our mindset toward implementing solutions. A vibrant, fair, and regenerative future is possible–not when thousands of people do climate justice activism perfectly but when millions of people do the best they can.”

-Xiye Bastida, Mexican-Chilean climate activist and member of the Mexican Otomi-Toltec nation